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Improving Salesforce User Adoption

User Adoption is key to ensuring all your time and hard earned money developing Salesforce for your Business wasn't all for naught. In this post we discuss three things you can do to help ensure Salesforce is not just being used, but being used to its highest potential.



Is your Company Ready for Salesforce?

You might be able to afford it, you might have determined that you can't afford not to have it. But before you decide to take the plunge we recommend you look inward and assess whether or not your company is ready for it.


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Can You afford not to have Salesforce?

If you are considering Salesforce, you've probably asked yourself "Can I afford this". Valid question. Don't buy a product just because it's trendy, or you think you need it. You should know you need it. So ask yourself this question, can you afford not to have Salesforce?

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Cost of a new customer vs. Repeat Business

Do you know what it costs to acquire a new customer? Or maintain an existing one? Are you aware of the benefits of maintaining your relationship with existing customers? You need to know what these values are to ensure a healthy client mix for consistent cash flow and healthy growth of your company.



Are you making customers for Life?

Your customers are your most important asset. Without them there is no business. Not only will they buy your product, but if you have their loyalty you'll have their repeat business, and they will be an advocate for you. So what are you doing to make them customers for life?



Hubspot CRM vs Salesforce

Hubspot just announced its entry into the CRM space. With this announcement comes many questions about what they offer, and how is it different than the current CRM champ ( Will it be competitive? Will it give me everything I need? Short answer, No. We'll explain why.



Do I really need CRM?

Have you been asking yourself this question lately? Well here is the answer - "Shun business software at your peril". Find out why if you're not using a CRM system you could be missing out...Big Time!
