Marketing Cloud vs. Pardot

I've heard a lot of people asking the same question, Marketing Cloud or Pardot? Pardot or Marketing Cloud? I totally understand the confusion. It isn't entirely clear. Some of my customers have even asked me "Why does Salesforce have two different Marketing Applications?" 


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Salesforce Summer '15 is Here!

The smell of fresh cut grass, a cool summer breeze, fire works, sun screen, the sound of the ice cream man, and new Salesforce Features....Yup Summer '15 is officially here and it has some goodies for everyone. I thought I would take a few minutes this month and outline some of the things we are most excited about.

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Improving Salesforce User Adoption

User Adoption is key to ensuring all your time and hard earned money developing Salesforce for your Business wasn't all for naught. In this post we discuss three things you can do to help ensure Salesforce is not just being used, but being used to its highest potential.



Is your Company Ready for Salesforce?

You might be able to afford it, you might have determined that you can't afford not to have it. But before you decide to take the plunge we recommend you look inward and assess whether or not your company is ready for it.


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Can You afford not to have Salesforce?

If you are considering Salesforce, you've probably asked yourself "Can I afford this". Valid question. Don't buy a product just because it's trendy, or you think you need it. You should know you need it. So ask yourself this question, can you afford not to have Salesforce?

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Can you afford Saleforce?

When shopping for a CRM, you want the best. Or at least the best that your money can buy. Sometimes sticker shock can scare you away. But think long and hard about the risk and the reward of having a best-in-class solution can do for you and your business. The results may surprise you.



Ditch your voicemail, and your email too

Voicemail is old school, Email is still relatively new, but still out-dated. Technology keeps helping us to reinvent the way we do things. As a result, these older technologies are starting to render themselves obsolete. And we're not the only ones that seem to think so. Find out which Global company is also doing away with a tried and true communication method.



You need to be on the web...now

Never has it been easier to reach the Masses. Various web technologies can be leveraged to improve nearly every major facet of your business. Making you smarter, more productive, and ultimately more competitive. If you're not leveraging the web you are missing out. Find out how the web can help make your business better.
